Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thankful on Thursday

I have been waiting all week for this day for two reasons.

Because one, I get to share my thankful heart with all of you.
and two, today is my Saturday. Yay!!

I had a pretty eventful past seven days...
I'm not going to lie, not all of what happened in the course of my week was pleasant.
{post about this to follow, stay tuned my friends}

But, regardless, I praise my God.

I praise Him because I know He was with me

...for the Lord your God goes with you; 
he will never leave you nor forsake you.
{Deuteronomy 31:6}

and because He is opening my eyes, my heart and my soul to be joyful always... especially in the midst of tough, trying and overwhelming times. 

 Always be joyful.  
Never stop praying. 
 Be thankful in all circumstances,
 for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.
 {1 Thessalonians 5:16-18}

So today, I come to you with a truly thankful heart. Here are some reasons why.

  • Kennedy sharing with me just how great of a mom she thinks I am. She climbed into my lap and said, "You're the BEST, Mom!" countless times this passed week. This means so much to me because I never really knew how she felt about me- she is a hands down, Daddy's girl and he usually gets all of her love and attention. 
  • Lincoln gives hugs and kisses! I am bursting at the seams with all of his cuteness wrapped around me!
  • God is really moving in our life. He is guiding us and rearranging our perspectives on a lot of different things. As we release more and more control over our life and circumstances, He is taking the reigns and blessing us. He really is SO GOOD!
  •  I am blessed to watch the sunrise every morning on my way to work. Have you ever truly watched the sunrise? It is the most beautiful thing. It is so peaceful and honest. It is a promise of new mercy fulfilled, a masterpiece created for our pleasure from our Lord. 
  • McKynlie's teacher called me and complimented me on how well Thomas and I must parent. She told me how remarkable, intelligent and well-behaved McKynlie is in the classroom. I am a very blessed mommy because of McKynlie. 
  •  My mom and my mother-in-law. They are always there for me and willing to help.
  • Starbucks red cups {....what? ... just being honest}
  •  my hands. I am so thankful to have my hands to hold, create, type, write, comfort, love, embrace, and all the other things hands do. God was so thoughtful when He created us, and so generous when He made me with them. 
  • For Thomas telling me exactly what I need to hear, when I need to hear it. Sometimes it is the sweetest things and sometimes it is harsh truths. I am thankful either way. I am thankful for Thomas. 
  •  The orange, yellow and red falling leaves of Fall. They're not so abundant here in California, but they are here, and boy, do I love them! 

 What are you thankful for this Thursday?


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