Friday, November 29, 2013

{a late} Thankful on Thursday

I am sorry my post is coming to you a little late.
These past two weeks have been so.... full.

In the days I was unable to post, we experienced so much.

Lincoln turned ONE. And we had a little party to celebrate his first year.

Thomas's grandpa went to be with our Lord and we laid his earthly body to rest. And we celebrated and remembered his life.

We got a fish named Giselle and a puppy named Ruger, and Our family grew by fins and 4 paws.

I organized a Secret Santa Gift Exchange and a Thanksgiving potluck for my co-workers.

The Lord spoke to me so honestly and clearly, convicting me to my very core, and daily, I have been working on my calling as a mother.

Among other things {and on top of everyday life as a wife, a mom of 3 kiddies and working full time}
I hosted Thanksgiving at my house.

So now, coming out of two weeks full of life and loss, conviction, celebration and growth, hustle and bustle, organization and hosting, and the multiple gatherings of family and friends, I come to you with a very full heart.

A heart that has felt the pure joy of a whole year with my son. My son who is a prayer answered after long suffering. Who is a miracle and a blessing from our God who is faithful and good.

A heart that is encouraged by being reminded and truly knowing what awaits us when we leave this life and join our Lord in Heaven.

A heart that has seen the giddy-ness and the glisten in my girls eyes over their new fish and puppy. 

A heart that has felt overjoyed at being able to do a little of what I love by planning and organizing fun festivities at home and at work.

A heart that has heard the voice of God. 

A heart that has been so effectively convicted and is in the middle of many transformations by the Grace of our patient and loving God.

A heart that is so blessed to have a home, a place where our family can gather. 

A heart that fell in love all over again with my husband as he lifted our family up in prayer before our Thanksgiving meal.

A heart full of new realization of what really matters.

 I am thankful for my full heart.

A few of you have noticed my absence here on my blog, and to that I am truly touched.
I pray the Lord is speaking to you through me, and I thank you for taking the time to ready my heart.

I hope as you reflect on your past two weeks, you are able to see where The Lord has shown Himself to you. I hope you can see where He has touched your heart and feel where He has breathed life into your soul.

I hope your heart is full.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! Truly remarkable how you speak what your heart feels and the ability you have to fill others hearts with your words. Miss you!
